We’re changing our logo
We’re changing our logo

We’re changing our logo
So, you may have noticed that we’ve changed our logo. With research suggesting that wearing a mask is essential to stop the spread of Covid-19, we’ve temporarily changed our logo to encourage everyone to pick up a mask and stop the spread.
Now, you may be wondering why wearing a mask is so important. Latest research suggests that whilst wearing a mask does not stop us from catching the virus, it does reduce the risk of us spreading it to others if we did have it. This is so important because a lot of people can carry the virus with no symptoms at all – meaning that when they’re out and about, they’re running the risk of infecting people without evening knowing it.
That’s why for the next 30 days we’re launching our ‘Mask Up Campaign’. We want you to get involved as much as you can so send us in snaps of your best mask selfies, and we will post them on our socials to encourage others to do the same. Together, we can make a difference.
Until next time 😊